Greece Travel Index Hotels of Greece Index
Resources and Interesting Links
You can find hotels in Greece by location, price, whether or not it has a swimming pool, and see photos and reviews by using this link to booking.com. Excellent prices and many hotels you can book and then cancel with no cancellation fee. For those who want to book without using a travel agency this is the best way to do it.
Athens Survival Guide combines entertaining writing with great photography and lots
of practical information for travelers. With restaurant reviews,
nightlife, archaeological sites, hotel reviews and information on
daytrips within and outside the city of Athens, Greece.
beaches, islands, sand, mountains, great restaurants and a facinating
history. Sounds like Greece? It is North Carolina one of the
most interesting states in the USA.
to my Athens Survival Guide, A
Paris Guide
combines entertaining writing with great photography and lots
of practical information for travelers.
The most thorough history of Greece on the internet with hundreds of photos and even music. It begins with pre-history and continues to the present day.
The Poster-Guys in Chapel Hill, North Carolina are a professional flyer posting service that focus on college campuses and communities. They post neatly and considerately on public bulletin boards keeping the displays neat and updated.
They are part of a network that covers the USA.

Kreta.nl is a labor of love about the island of Crete from Nils Kievid of the Netherlands. Though it is not in English, if you do speak Dutch it is a very useful guide for the islands with an online booking site for hotels.
Skiathos-Direct presents to you the best products, books, downloads, paintings, information, and other information about the island of Skiathos in particular, and Greece in general. They have partnered with many people who live on the island, who have written about it, painted beautiful pictures of it or have had inspiration from it in one way or another.
the auto-mated systems which are hit or miss, David at GreeceFlights
uses the airline database to find cheap seats to Greece like a detective.
Plus he is a human being.
Byzart: The Handcrafted
Jewelry of Andrea Jerome:
Hand-crafted 22k Gold based on ancient and Byzantine pieces as well as her unique
collection of bead necklaces and bracelets.
Guide to Greek Food has Greek restaurant reviews, lots
of delicious photos, articles on Greek cuisine, wine, ouzo and tells
you how to order in restaurants, how to pronounce the names of dishes,
recipes, the best Greek cookbooks and just about anything you want
to know about Greek food.
Matt Barrett's music career began in the late sixties and continues to this day. Writing great pop-rock songs and recording them with powerful bands his website makes fun reading and has lots of songs to listen to as well.
Guide about Greece and the Greek islands.
Pictures of Greece, general information and hotels in Greece