Hotels of Greece
Northern Greece

Platamon, Makedonia

Click on the links below to each area to see my recommended hotels, villas, apartments, guesthouses, resorts, holiday homes and other highly rated accommodations in Northern Greece. Because many of these hotels you are going directly to the hotel’s booking page you won’t find customers reviews and the descriptions were written by the hotels. You can find reviews by googling the name of the hotel and location or Searching But please come back here to book the hotel and help support my websites. Or get assistance from one of my reliable travel agencies. Unlike most hotel sites which are database programs this site was entirely hand-made! I hope you appreciate it enough to use it to book your hotels in Greece.


Halkidiki, Greece

Kastoria, Makedonia
Central Macedonia

Kavala, Greece
Kavala &East Macedonia

Thrace, Greece

Matt's Mainland Pages

See also Hotels in Thassos and Hotels in Samothraki.

If you need assistance you can use Matt's Create an Itinerary Form or visit Matt's Travel Agencies and Tours Page and find someone who can assist you with hotels, ferries and putting your trip together.

For Car rentals contact Elias at Swift-Avanti Rent-a-car who cooperates with agencies all over Greece or else see Fantasy Travel's Car Rental page.

For Trips to Delphi, Meteora, Pelion and all over mainland Greece contact George the Famous Taxi Driver. For groups of 4 it is cheaper to use George than to go on a tour-bus since George charges by the trip and tours charge per-person.

Ferryhopper logoUse Ferryhopper to find all direct and indirect ferry routes for the islands of Greece, Spain, Italy & Turkey, compare ferry companies & prices, and book cheap ferry tickets with no hidden fees in one go!

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Do you enjoy using my site? Have you found it entertaining as well as useful? If so please show your appreciation by booking hotels through the travel agencies and the links found on my Hotels of Greece site. The small commission I make on the bookings enable me to keep working and in most cases you won't find them any cheaper by searching elsewhere. You can find hotels in Greece by location, price, whether or not it has a swimming pool, and see photos and reviews by using this link to which also contributes to my website when you book.

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